Richard Anderson (10 Nov. 1809-14 Nov. 1858)

Richard Anderson was the son of David Meriwether Anderson (b. 1776), of Albemarle County, Virginia, and his first wife, Susan Moore.

Richard attended the University of Virginia in session 9 (1832-1833). He then attended the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, graduated in 1834, and became a doctor. His senior thesis was on gonorrhea.

Dr. Anderson married, first, Margaret Douglas Clark (1821-1853). They moved to Pike County, Missouri, and there had three children: David M. Anthony (1841-1843), David M. Anthony (1845-ca. 1867), and Margaret Douglas Anderson. He married, as his second wife, his neighbor Jane Walker (Lewis) Meriwether (1806-1871), the widow of Walker Gilmer Meriwether. This second union produced no children.  They lived at “Aberdeen” in Pike County, Missouri.


  • Anderson, Sarah Travers Lewis Scott. Lewises, Meriwethers, and their kin. Baltimore, MD, p. 290-291.
  • Minor, Louisa H. A. Meriwethers and their connections. Albany, NY, 1892, p. 45, 53.
  • Sorley, Merrow Egerton, comp. Lewis of Warner Hall. Baltimore, MD, 1979, p. 639-640.
  • The Meriwether Society, Inc. TMSI Research Database. [online database]
  • University of Pennsylvania. Catalogue of the alumni of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, 1765-1877. Philadelphia, PA, 1877.
  • Woods, Edgar. Albemarle County in Virginia. Baltimore, MD, 1990, c1901. p. 138-139.
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